I'm having a day...
My children were very fussy today and were arguing, not listening and causing a tornado all day today.
I finally had enough and at 8pm, threw their tiny butts into bed.
I love my kids, I really do; tonight though, they wanted to put Mommy in the loony bin!
I did however, with the help of my wonderful sister, get my husband's and my oldest daughter's biological father's gifts done for Father's day. They are absolutely stunning. I'm so excited. I know both of the guys will love them.
My house is semi-clean (the upstairs is a mess due to me preparing for next weekend's garage sale). I'm way behind on my studying for coming up tests, I'm starting to get a little overwhelmed.
On top of it, a friend of mine was screwed out of money by his roommate and I had to cover for a bill that he was going to pay. I'm broke, and it's this douche bag's fault. Everything in me wants to yell at him for not being a responsible adult and screwing him out of the hundreds of dollars that he owes him. Because now, it's affecting my family and I.
I haven't had much to eat today, but I have no motivation to do any workouts. Maybe I will while I watch some TV. Just a little yoga or something.
I'm ALSO mad because for years, since I have met my husband, I have been trying to get his ex-wife and the mother of my step-son to step up and be a real mom. She has failed at this all around. He now has failed Spanish I for the 3rd trimester and may not be able to play football (something she is pressuring him about doing) this fall. I'm pissed. When she runs off to another state to be with her husband, I help him with his homework, studying etc. I make if fun for him. Do you think I remember anything except for the dirty words in Spanish? Hell no, but I use my resources to help him and he ALWAYS EVERY SINGLE TIME has gotten an A on either the assignment or test that he took that I helped him with. She is too busy getting drunk and fucking one man after another to pay attention to her son. I'm steamed. I obviously just found out about this.
God Damnit!!!!!
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